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Reconnect Korea

About us

As part of Reconnect’s mission, Reconnect focuses on the ‘peace and reconciliation’ in the Korean peninsula with the method of creative content. Reconnect branched out to Korea as the Co-founders visited North Korea and started making content.

In 2021, the Korea branch of Reconnect, has been established to produce videos that deal with social issues.

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Reconnect Korea produced their first documentary film ‘Insight: into North Koreans’ which depicts North Korea as ''person-to-person'' and ''culture-to-culture'' away from political ideology. It expresses North Korea and its people from various angles through the stories of people who have been constantly related to North Koreans. Through this, it conveys the value of exchange, peace, and dialogue with North Korea. 


The documentary successfully held a domestic screening on 4th June 2022 and is currently planning screenings in many cities around the world, including New Zealand, Brazil, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, and the United States.


Reconnect Korea will continue to take a small step towards achieving reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula through their second documentary that they are preparing.

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